Just a quick reminder, even under these circumstances, the law of attraction is exact and precise. We want to ensure that you exclusively indulge positive thoughts so that you can create an ideal and healthy future. If you’ve been indulging negative thoughts, then we need the power of prayer and God’s Divine Intervention to reverse the consequences of a potentially undesirable future. We must exercise mindfulness even during these times. Prayer serves as a powerful delete button for the negative and your faith is an immeasurable resource and fount of strength during turbulent times.
The webinar fee is $18.00:
• All webinars are intended for your personal use. You will receive an energetic healing that will include a recording of the healing for subsequent use as repetition can be beneficial.
• Thank you for joining me for this webinar on zoom Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 3:00pm (EST) for approximately 90 minutes. If you haven’t already, you will need to
download this free app.
• Please remember to be well hydrated prior to and after receiving the healing for several days. It is recommended that you stay away from alcohol consumption in order to facilitate a harmonious release as alcohol tends to dehydrate.
Congratulations, in advance on making the decision to heal yourself and your life.